Musculoskeletal Medicine
Most people experience musculoskeletal problems during their lifetime. Some people fail to recover and return to work, not so much because of what has happened but because they come up against obstacles. Knowing how to facilitate recovery and return to work, including when to act, is essential for successful management of the problem.

'Tackling Musculoskeletal Problems' is a manual for the workplace, the clinic, and beyond. It is about identifying psychosocial obstacles, formulating a plan, and taking action to overcome or navigate around the obstacles.
Tackling Musculoskeletal Problems: A Guide for Clinic and Workplace - Identifying Obstacles Using the Psychosocial Flags Framework.
Tackling Musculoskeletal Problems: A Guide for Clinic and Workplace

Identifying Obstacles Using the Psychosocial Flags Framework.
The essence of tackling musculoskeletal problems is not so much what has happened, but how to facilitate recovery and return to work. Flags are warning signals that psychosocial factors in or around the individual are acting as obstacles to their recovery.
Available formats:
About the psychosocial flags framework

The scientific background for 'Tackling Musculoskeletal Problems' was an international Flags Think-Tank, involving 21 experts in the psychosocial aspects of musculoskeletal disorders. Their deliberations and scientific thinking were the basis for this definitive, evidence-based guide.
Free downloadable resources

Access a selection of free-to-download resource material on the subject of musculoskeletal disorders, in PDF format and slides in PowerPoint format. Extracts from the guide include: 'Advice for Workers with Muscle and Joint Problems' and 'Tackling Muscle and Joint Pain: A Quick Guide for the Workplace'.
Related titles from TSO

The Back, Neck, Whiplash, Hip & Knee Books are aimed at those suffering from pain or injury and at employers, doctors and therapists for handing out to their patients. Based on the latest research, this series provides clear and user-friendly advice on how to prevent, cope with and recover from pain or injury.
Health and Work - the Key Publications

TSO publishes a range of books dedicated to the concept of 'Health and Work', which examine specific issues such as rehabilitation, compensation, and incapacity benefits. Also available are a series of leaflets designed to provide advice for patients and practitioners on returning to work.