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Brtish Standards Institution (BSI)
BSI is appointed by the UK Government as the national standards body. An important part of their role is to facilitate the development and publication of the standards needed by UK businesses.
Listed below are some of the key standards developed by BSI.
Quality Management Systems: Requirements
BS EN ISO 9001:2015

In-depth information on the pasteurisation process, helping food and drink manufacturers to safely apply the principles to their products.
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Requirements for electrical installations: IET Wiring Regulations
BS 7671:2018 + A1:2020

The British Standards Institution (BSI) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) outline the latest safety guidelines to ensure quality electrical installations.
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On-site guide for BS 7671:2018

This on-site guide incorporates the extensive changes in BS 7671:2018, making this a vital guide for keeping up to date. It enables the competent electrician to deal with installations (up to 100 A, 3-phase) providing essential information in a convenient, easy-to-use format.
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Prerequisite Programmes On Food Safety, Food Manufacturing
PD ISO/TS 22002-1:2009

Requirements for establishing, implementing and maintaining prerequisite programmes (PRP) to assist in controlling food safety hazards.
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Positive pressure self-contained open-circuit breathing apparatus: specification
BS 8468-1:2020

Part of the 'Respiratory protective devices for use against chemical biological radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents' standards, covering requirements for positive pressure, self-contained, open-circuit breathing apparatus (SCBA) intended to be used by emergency first responders in areas containing and contaminated by chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents.
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Selection and installation of manhole tops and gully tops within the highway: Guide
BS 7903:2020

Guidance for the selection and installation of manhole tops and gully tops conforming to BS EN 124-1:2015 to BS EN 124-6:2015 for covering gullies, manholes and inspection chambers to be used in conjunction with other components and materials to form a safe, durable, maintainable and usable installed system for highway applications.
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Information security management systems: Requirements
BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017

Part of the 'Information technology: Security techniques' standards, including essential advice to help technical personnel devise suitable and effective plans to systematically sample the food environment, ensuring the safety of food produced in that environment.
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Food safety management systems: Requirements for any organization in the food chain
BS EN ISO 22000:2018

These requirements cover how any organization in the food chain can implement and operate a food safety management system which produces food that’s safe for consumers to eat.
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Occupational health and safety management systems: Requirements with guidance for use
BS ISO 45001:2018

An effective occupational health and safety management system that will help protect and enhance your employees, to drive business excellence.