TSO offer a range of pharmacopoeia and other pharmaceutical titles, such as the British National Formulary, Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, The Orange Guide, The Green Guide and the Good Clinical Practice Guide.
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You can also visit our HSE, NHS and WHO publication sections.
British Pharmacopoeia

All monographs and requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) are reproduced in the BP, making the BP a convenient and fully comprehensive set of standards that can be used across Europe and beyond.
European Pharmacopoeia

The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is a single reference work of official standards for medicines in Europe.
Japanese Pharmacopoeia

English Translation fully endorsed by the Society of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, provides the official Japanese standard for the description and quality of drug substances and products.
Chinese Pharmacopoeia

This edition has been translated into the English language and comprises of four Volumes. It covers both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicines. It gives descriptions and information of purity, testing, dosage, precautions, storage and strength of each drug. for the Chinese market.